Featured Authors

Adeline Ng
Between drowning in readings and hoarding washi tape, I run a rogue creative writing group in the back of my favorite Hong Lim Park cafe. We're just sleep-deprived students writing about void deck spirits and heartland magic, fueled by too much kopi ...

Octavio Fuentes
Most people look at you funny when you tell them you left a career as a travel photographer to write books, but honestly, it makes perfect sense to me. After two decades of capturing stories through a lens – everything from Oaxacan cooking traditions...

Ravi Chandrasekhar
I never planned to become a writer – my first career was spent in the chaotic world of emergency medicine, working nights in busy urban hospitals across Mumbai and later Chicago. It was during those long shifts that I began jotting down stories in be...

Amelia Thornton
These days, I write mysteries from my flat in Bloomsbury (yes, very on-brand for a writer, I know). My partner James restores old buildings for a living, which means our dinner conversations usually revolve around things like "historically accurate w...

Yuki Tanaka
Words found me in the spaces between midnight street lamps and vending machine hums. Tokyo, 1989: I was that kid who wrote stories on the backs of convenience store receipts, who filled margins with haiku while my father taught me to slice fish at ou...

Nikolai Shved
Latest book burned by three different governments. Taking it as a compliment. Currently: haunting the borderlands between fact and fiction, memory and myth, probably being watched (or even read)....

Lydia Blackwood
Before finding my voice as a novelist, I spent nearly a decade as a rare book conservator at university libraries across New England. Those quiet hours spent with centuries-old manuscripts deeply influenced my approach to storytelling. My debut novel...

Zara al-Mansour
CURRENT STATUS: Writing my fourth novel from a 24-hour café in Dubai Marina, fueled by too much Turkish coffee and the weird energy that hits at 3 AM. PREVIOUS PLOT TWISTS: Earned a PhD in CS (computer science, ofc) from Oxford while secretly w...

*would rather be writing next book than this bio* *is procrastinating by writing this bio instead of next book* *the duality of writer* *sends love to readers anyway* with love, worldneedslove...

Finn O'Sullivan
FIELD NOTES: FINN O'SULLIVAN OBSERVED IN HIS NATURAL HABITAT DUBLIN, IRELAND [PERSONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL] DAY 367 OF BOAT LIFE: The houseboat experiment continues. "Storyteller" hasn't sunk yet, despite dire predictions from my mother. Have suc...

Nadine Mbeki
Some authors will tell you about their pets or hobbies or how many books they've published. I'd rather you meet the people living in my head. They're far more interesting than I am, and they dress better too. Romance writer by choice, daydreamer by n...
Octavia Love
The rumors are true: I write all my love scenes during thunderstorms. Everything else comes from eavesdropping in coffee shops and public transportation. If you've had an interesting conversation in Chicago in the last five years, check my books care...

Toni Moreau
SCENE: Interior. Author's messy apartment. Night. TONI types furiously, surrounded by empty tea mugs. A notification appears—another five-star review. TONI: (to self) They have no idea I wrote that sex scene while waiting at the dentist. FADE TO B...

J. Lockhart
I don't attend parties because I'm too busy writing about them. My characters get all the adventures while I stay home in pajamas. This arrangement works for everyone, especially my cat, who prefers me sedentary and available for lap-sitting during c...

Ramsey 2K
BEGIN TRANSMISSION Romance author operating from undisclosed location Specializing in stories too hot for regular publishing channels Will neither confirm nor deny inspiration sources Please direct fan mail to usual drop point END TRANSMISSION...

P.J. Sterling
Making up stories about people falling in love since my Barbie dolls had far more complex relationships than anything in the actual cartoons. Now I do it professionally, with slightly fewer plastic participants. Romance writer, recovering perfectioni...

Lily May
Dear Reader, I've been falling in love with fictional characters since I was twelve. Now I get paid to create them, which my therapist agrees is healthier than my previous hobby of fantasizing about people at the grocery store. XOXO...
Ilona Steward
If my browser history doesn't get me on a watchlist, I'm not researching properly. Romance author with a fondness for unlikely couples and unpronounceable fictional town names. Don't ask about the spreadsheet tracking every kiss in my novels—it's for...

Nora Bachman
She writes romance novels by candlelight. Not for ambiance—her creativity peaks during power outages. Three-time winner of "Most Likely to Make Readers Cancel Plans to Finish One More Chapter." Believes in love, magic, and deadline extensions. Fri...

Little Kira
[This space intentionally left almost blank because I'm currently deadlining and shouldn't even be writing this bio, but guys from Novelia is giving me that look...]...

Haley Takaya
My notes inspired by my Japanese-American…well…heritage and the dating disasters my friends text me about at 2AM. I’m not a traveler (except my dreams), though most of my writing happens on my commuter train with strangers peeking over my shoulder du...

Abi Rouge
The three things you need to know: 1. I write romance novels you'll hide from your mother but recommend to your best friend 2. My characters make terrible decisions for excellent reasons 3. I firmly believe happily-ever-after is just the beginni...

Becca Ray
I'm a kindergarten teacher (yeah, guys, keep your childrens away) and romance novelist by night, channeling the drama of the playground into adult relationships that are only slightly more mature. My people know me as the quiet one who brings homemad...

404: PROFESSIONAL BIO NOT FOUND (Seriously though, I write kissing books. Sometimes there's plot.)...

Zen Reed
Fell into romance writing after my divorce, when my therapist suggested journaling but my entries kept turning into meet-cutes and happily-ever-afters. Uhhh. Now I balance my day job [fuck it] with evenings spent creating the passionate love stories ...

Abby Kim
I write steamy romance novels from my tiny apartment, where the constant rain provides the perfect backdrop for crafting love stories. When I'm not typing away on my rusty laptop, I teach high school English and secretly base my most swoon-worthy her...